Last Updated: November 25, 2023

Welcome! This page provides information about the cookies used on the Suleiman’s Coffee website and explains our cookie processing policy.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or mobile device through your web browser. These files are saved by your browser when you visit a website and help recognize you and personalize your user experience when you revisit the same site.

Types of Cookies Used

The Suleiman’s Coffee website may use the following types of cookies:

Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential for using the basic functions of the website, such as login information or shopping cart details.

Functional Cookies

These cookies enhance the functionality of the website by remembering your preferences, such as language choices or user-selected themes.

Analytical Cookies

These cookies are used to analyze the usage of the website and understand its performance. They may be collected through third-party tools like Google Analytics.

Targeting and Advertising Cookies

These cookies track online behaviors to deliver targeted advertisements matching users’ interests.

How Can I Control Cookies?

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change these settings according to your preferences. You can find cookie control and deletion options in your browser’s settings. However, keep in mind that disabling cookies may prevent you from using some features of websites.

Our Cookie Processing Policy

At Suleiman’s Coffee, we may use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Personalizing the user experience
  • Providing and improving services
  • Analyzing website performance through analytics
  • Supporting marketing and advertising activities

To manage your preferences regarding cookies, you can use your browser settings or contact us at

This cookie policy may be updated over time, so we recommend reviewing it regularly.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our privacy and cookie policies, please contact us at